What’s up, bootlickers?
I’ve been sleepwalking, cotton wool wrapped around my head. I find it unfathomable that anyone could ignore or even approve of the “work” that 45 and his stooges have been inflicting upon the world, but they’re out there, assuming the best with a smile on their face and a XXXL “Choose Happiness” tshirt on their chests, or gleefully cheering for the detention of 2 year olds. Still, a read through my (admittedly small) list of acquaintances, family, and friends on Facebook and other social media show that I’m not alone, although most manage to continue with their lives, work, and hobbies without wallowing in existential dread. I guess it’s time to pick up my dusty ukulele (not a euphemism) again.
45 is a sideshow barker and we’re marks, staring stupefied at the stage, in glee or utter terror, while yokel grifters, who’d sell their mothers for a seat with titans of industry, rummage through our pocketbooks. McConnell stole a Democratic Supreme Court justice; Kennedy’s retirement puts another rubber stamp in a seat for a conservative, anti-human agenda, that lines the pockets of the wealthy and, to keep them voting against their interests, gives frothing whites the axe they desperately want to butcher the social safety net and hard won freedoms.
Still, although I loath it, I can understand this fear and hate from people that look like me. I know why they hate change and growth. What I can’t understand is the vitriol coming from people slightly to the left of center. Hippie punching, the kids say. “Elections Have Consequences,” is quite a statement from people who don’t vote in midterms and never seem as interested in state or local politics as they are in the presidential horse race. Who can’t see that voter suppression and gerrymandering have silenced voices. Who wag their fingers and shame third party voters, but court those who voted for a so-called “man” who openly mocked the vulnerable, who called for violence at rallies, who has assaulted women… People who think America was great when minorities and women “knew their place.”
Democrats, who can’t get behind the DSA candidates who actually won their primary. Septuagenarians who don’t know or don’t care that people are terrified that they have to work harder for less, year after year, and that this didn’t improve one percentage point during a Democratic presidency or congress. Democrats who have been powerless to stop the dismantling of union protections, scoffed at a rise wages for all, proportionate to those gains made by the ruling class, dismissed medicare-for-all as pie in the sky dreaming while voting for $100 billion additional military spending.
Or, insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
ITEM: Steny Hoyer, from my fair state, admits on tape that he doesn’t believe in free elections.
ITEM: This administration is full of monsters who despise children
American officials sought to water down the resolution by removing language that called on governments to “protect, promote and support breast-feeding” and another passage that called on policymakers to restrict the promotion of food products that many experts say can have deleterious effects on young children.
ITEM: Nope, we’re all monsters
ITEM: Amazon is likely to come to Montgomery County, and have us pay for the privilege. They want a piece of all government procurement and this is as good a place as any to staff up. A normal, functioning government would not let one company own one of the largest non-military sectors of that nation’s federal infrastructure.
ITEM: All is not doom and gloom: I had forgotten how much I loved to read. Since I don’t drink, a good book really can slow things down in the ol’ brain pan. And there are these places called libraries where you can check books out for free? I can’t wait for some techbro to try and disrupt the library model. Until then, I’ve been checking out Miss Marples as fast as I can read them. And I really enjoy the Vera and Shetland books by Ann Cleves (which is her real name) although our local doesn’t have a great selection of those in print; I can check them out on Overdrive.
ITEM: I write about lines and presence.
ITEM: Donald Sutherland is best as the beatnik tank commander in the Kelly’s Heroes, which I love.
ITEM: Great American Action Movie, or Greatest American Action Movie?
Edited 16JUL2018 12:38pm EDT