garbage people
Sometimes it’s the Only Answer
I’m reading Strangers in Their Own Land, which reminds me that it’s important for my own well being to listen to, understand, and empathize (where I can) with the thoughts and feelings of others, especially those I disagree with politically. This outlook helps me to ‘turn down the noise’ inside my own head and focus on our shared humanity, joy, sacrifices, and challenges. Although our approaches to solutions may differ, as an American, even the reddest Republican and I are likely to share the same core values. Together, I believe that we can have a sincere and productive conversation about our future.
On the other hand, it’s 100% OK to punch a Nazi.
You will find no quarter with me if you believe in ‘garbage’ people. There are no superior breeds of human. No better skin color. No superior God. If you would murder people (or shrug indifferently when others kill) for the sin of being different from your arbitrary ‘standard,’ you reject humanity. You reject compassion, conversation, growth. Hugging the Nazi out would work as well as praying away gay. Nazis are that foundation crumbling fungus, thriving on misery in the sump well of human existence. There is literally no ground lower.