This is Good Pi, Part 1
The Raspberry Pi 4 came to market just a few weeks ago. For $35 to $55, plus some peripherals, you can run a desktop computer nearly as powerful. If you’re in the market and have the opportunity, I recommend you pick up the Raspberry Pi 4. For this project I am going to use a […]
Code is *NOT* Poetry
Below is Walt Whitman’s When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer When I heard the learn’d astronomer, When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me, When I was shown the charts and diagrams, to add, divide, and measure them, When I sitting heard the astronomer where he lectured with much applause in the lecture-room, How soon unaccountable […]
10 A.M… Time for a Regular Expression
The conversation went something like this: Instructor: “Here’s a hint for today’s group lab: use Regular Expessions.” Me, external: “Got it!” Me, internal: What the #^$(&#& is a ‘Regular Expression?’ So I head to the internet: Regular expressions (regexps) are patterns which describe the contents of a string. They’re used for testing whether a string […]
A Playlist to Code By
This weekend, I’ve been working on, among other things, labs, understanding of regular expressions (more to follow), and my bi-weekly blog post on coding. On a break, decided to sign up for Spotify, like the kids do these days, and quickly made a playlist. NOTE: You will likely not enjoy this playlist. Also: I’m not […]
I’ve Made a {} of It
I’ve been riding my bike to the Metro to head into DC to attend the Flatiron School. I’m not particularly “strong” or “physically fit.” I’m not good at “balancing” or “riding in straight lines.” But parking is $5 a day and, you know, the environment. So I bike, which means I worry about getting rolled […]
My Kung Fu
One of the benefits of having a kid is the opportunity to read with them: brand new books; stories you have known all your life; stories you wished you had read. It’s a chance for you to grow and learn as a family. Before reading it together, I had known the broad outlines of the […]